Celebrating Women’s History Month at Boyd

Post Date - Mar 25, 2022

March was Women’s History Month! Women in trucking do incredible things for our industry, from the front lines as truck drivers to being part of the office support team to advancing the industry in a leadership role. We all know that the transportation industry is traditionally male-dominated, but here at Boyd, women are represented in every single department and at every level of management. They also make up 52% of the non-drivers of our workforce. We’re proud to be a place where women not only want to come to work, but where they have the opportunity to thrive.

“Women at Boyd lead and are represented in operations, driving, safety, IT, HR, marketing, finance, admin, sales, maintenance and executive management,” says Beth Steed, Director of Logistics. “In fact, over the 65-year history of Boyd, we have also been women-owned and had a woman CEO.”

Beth came to work for us in 2001 as a truck coordinator and has worked her way to being our director of customer service. Our team members know they can rely on Beth for her high energy and positivity.

Felicia Adu is one of our women drivers. She joined our team in 2020 and now drives our pink truck that promotes Breast Cancer Awareness.

“The truck means a lot to me. It was designed for the previous driver, who has now retired, in honor of a relative who had breast cancer,” says Felicia. “My grandmother passed away from breast cancer not too long ago. This truck is special to me because it helps raise awareness.”

She enjoys driving the truck and the attention it gets on the road, because it gives her the opportunity to hear stories from other people about how breast cancer has impacted their lives and how important the truck is to them, too. Written into the design of the truck is the message “Fight Like a Girl” and the name “Annie,” for the relative of the previous driver who is now retired, and Felicia’s grandmother was also named Annie.

This past October, Boyd held our first Women in Trucking Day. The women from our Birmingham and Clayton offices had the opportunity to come together to discuss the impact they have on our organization. This was our first annual event, and it really gave our team the chance to listen to some inspiring stories from other women who work here and for them to encourage one another.

“The women at Boyd are tough, persistent, empathetic, and compassionate. They bring a spirit of innovation that drives our company,” adds Beth. “We want to say thank you to the women who work in trucking every day to keep Boyd Bros. and America moving. Thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your passion. You make Boyd Bros. different from all other trucking companies and you inspire us every day.”

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