A Tribute to Truck Driver Moms: Spotlight on Boyd Driver Felicia Adu

Post Date - May 10, 2024

As Mother's Day approaches, we want to honor the incredible women who balance the demands of motherhood with the challenges of a career on the open road. Felicia Adu, a devoted mother and seasoned Boyd Brothers truck driver from Birmingham, Ala., shares her journey as a truck driver mom and the successful career she’s built.

Felicia, the proud mother of an 18-year-old daughter attending The University of Toledo, reflects on the joys and struggles of being a truck driver mom. Despite the distance, Felicia remains deeply connected to her daughter through constant communication via phone calls, FaceTime, and texts. She acknowledges the difficulty of being away from her daughter, especially during her teenage years, but finds peace in the opportunities her career provides to visit her daughter while she's away at college.

"The challenges of being a mom are difficult, you know, just being away from my daughter," Felicia said. “But it's important to stay connected, even if it's through technology. I talk to her often. And being in a truck allows me to visit her sometimes, which is a plus."

For Felicia, trucking has been more than just a career; it's been a journey of personal growth and financial stability. Over her five years in the industry, Felicia has gained invaluable knowledge and insights from the people she encounters on the road. Trucking has not only helped her provide for her daughter's education but has also enriched her own life in countless ways.

"I've learned so much in trucking," Felicia said. "You come into contact with people with different faiths, knowledge, and perspectives. It's helped me grow as a driver and as a parent."

Despite her daughter's admiration for the hard work, skill, and dedication it takes to be a professional driver, Felicia knows that trucking may not be her daughter's chosen career path. However, she appreciates her daughter's understanding and respect for the sacrifices she makes to provide for their family.

"I think she loves trucking," Felicia said. "She understands the sacrifices I make being on the road and not being able to be home as often."

To aspiring women entering the trucking industry, Felicia offers important advice: "Take all the information. Never turn down any advice or tips someone has to offer. Even if you're in a rush, take a moment to listen because that information could be valuable to you."

Throughout her journey, Felicia has found unwavering support from Boyd Bros, who has helped her navigate the ups and downs of trucking.

“Boyd has supported me through the cycle of my career,” she said. “They offered me to be a company driver, then the ability to have my own business and purchase a truck. That has helped tremendously. Everyone from Boyd helped in the journey. Boyd has supported me and my family in trucking.”

As we celebrate Mother's Day, let us extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the truck driver moms like Felicia, who embody strength, resilience, and unwavering dedication to their families and their careers. Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed, and we appreciate you for all that you do.